Origins and philosophy

In 1990 Gilles Gagnepain, a student at the time, became involved in the “Campus à l’Oreille”, festival , which took place in a dozen universities and grandes écoles in Paris and around, and was organised by a team of professionals helped by students on each site. There was classical music, jazz, world music, rock… all the best music of the time, open to everyone, and presented in lecture halls. There were unforgettable concerts in some of these grandes écoles, but also in other places which were more like cultural deserts.
A period in the "Passage du Nord-Ouest" in Paris, cine-concert venue followed.
Meet with dedicated staff and artists, discovery of bridges that could be built between different worlds, …a new dawn for vocation and convictions.
Since that time the “Your European Stage” staff has been added to with several other professionals, but we still have a fervent desire to help artists and their partners from all different horizons to blossom, and to assist them in their worldwide touring.
- Our “compass”: our eclectic tastes, and the many friends we have made on artistic but also human levels.
- Our “Swiss army knife”: a network of professionals from all over the world, built up over 17 years, and a comprehensive knowledge of how things work in all sorts of places.
- Our “tricks of the trade”: we prioritise quality above quantity: the quality of the artists we work with; the quality of our relationships with our associates in each country, and the quality of the touring we organise.
- Our “energy drink”: mutual trust